Featured Academic Projects

Washington, DC · Years 2010 - 2012
Georgetown University's Communication, Culture + Technology
Set my trajectory for always finding fun, curiosity, and creativity

Capture of scenario plan

Capture of scenario plan

The Future of Money | Futurism Scenario Planning

Assignment: To select a topic (currency) and research its future in 15 years time (2027) for a hypothetical client (Visa)

Impact: Predicting the future is hard work, but uncovering generalized patterns even 8 years out highlights including the emergence of bitcoin (and other blockchain technologies), polarized political climate, and micro-communities of niche-interest and incentives (i.e. influencer audiences on social media, Patreon, etc.)

Additional work: Presentation documenting research

#ScenarioPlanning #Futurism #Blockchain #Money #Patreon #Micropayments

'Revolving Door' | Social Network Analysis

Assignment: Use NodeXL to analyze a network (lobbyists). Present the graph theory about connections, distributions and segmentations. 

Impact: Using public data set of the 'revolving door' in Washington, I focused on a set of politicians moving from congress to firms and boards highlighting influence in the last 5-years.

Additional skills:  Foundational SNA, NodeXL proficient and applied SNA research to multiple applications.

Related Courses:
Networks & The Creative Process; The Networked Economy

#Complexity #Systems Thinking



3D Printing | Emerging Technologies

Assignment: To unpack black box technologies and teach non-technologists about emerging technologies and potential implications.

Impact: 3D printing, at the time, was incredibly nascent, the Economist feature mapped out its implications on manufacturing and a 'maker' revolution. Today, conversations about 3D printed guns are discussed in the court systems, but the 'revolution' has yet to unfold. I was incredibly enthusiastic, maybe naively so, but it made me a full-fledged maker at heart. Even if I was 'too early' on this one. 

Additional work: Video introducing the technology, research paper

#AdditiveManufacturing #Prototyping #DIY #MakerCulture

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gnovis Journal · Editor-in-Chief

Position: Led student-run publication, sponsored by Georgetown Communication, Culture, and Technology interdisciplinary program.

Projects: website overhaul (Wordpress from Drupal), podcast series, gnovicon symposium, multimedia/art issue + PDF journal.

Additional Initiatives: Daily blog series, student training and events including Nerd Nite,a presentation series applying academic rigor to light hearted topics.

#Leadership #Publishing #Academia #EventProduction #DigitalMedia